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[팟캐스트] (630) 인니에서는 K-푸드도 할랄인증 필요?

Oct. 24, 2024 - 08:52 By Kim Hae-yeon
A Korean spicy kimchi product from Daesang's Mamasuka brand, tailored for the Indonesian market (Daesang)

진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Selzer

[KH Explains] Indonesia's halal certification: Double-edged sword for Korean food industry?

기사 내용: 인도네시아 수입식품 할랄인증 표기 의무화, 한국 식품기업에 미칠 영향에 대하여

[1] Indonesia’s new regulation mandating Halal certification for all imported food products is expected to widen the export gap between large conglomerates and small businesses in Korea due to the high costs and time need to meet the requirements.

*mandating 명령[지시]하다

*widen 확대하다, 넓히다

[2] After a five-year grace period, the Indonesian government has officially ordered businesses in most industries to be halal compliant and halal certified, starting Thursday.

*grace period 유예 기간

*compliant 순응하는, 따르는

[3] While products lacking halal certification can still be exported, they must be labeled "non-halal" and comply with regulations set by Indonesia's Food and Drug Authority. Halal refers to items permissible under Islamic dietary laws. Generally prohibited meats include those from pigs, dogs and any animals not slaughtered according to Islamic practices.

*comply with 순응하다, 지키다, 준수하다

*slaughtered (가축의) 도살[도축]

[4] As the fourth most populous country and the largest economy in Southeast Asia, Indonesia presents significant opportunities for food companies worldwide. Large firms recognized the potential of Islamic markets over a decade ago, preparing halal-certified brands and production lines early on.

*populous 인구가 많은

*early on (상황·관계·기간 등의) 초기에

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[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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